Poets In Poll Booths (or how I spent International Women's Day 2018)
After an unexpected, mild inconvenience at the start of the day (unexpected snow much?) I made it fashionably late to Wakefield One to sit along side Gen Walsh and Valerie Anderson Gaskil as one of the above mentioned Poets In Poll Booths.
It was beyond humbling and an honour to have been able to write poetry to so many powerful stories and memories given to us by the public.
It was even more humbling and an honour to see the work that the Forgotten Women Of Wakefield project unveiled today. Their hard work has massively paid off and I'm so proud of each member and excited to see where Sarah takes things from here.
What more can I say about this experience today?
I suppose just what I said this morning:
For all my sisters that are fighting, creating, resisting, singing, writing and surviving;
Power and strength to you all!